The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the regulator for Health and Social Care services in England. The CQC carry out inspections at a frequency that reflects their degree of concern for the quality or safety of a particular service. When we had our last inspection in February 2019, the inspector told us that she had no concerns about the safety or quality of our services. However, there had been some recording errors (which we addressed immediately), and we had missed sending a notification to CQC, which meant that our overall rating was “Requires Improvement”, instead of the “Good” rating that we feel we deserved, and that we feel is reflected in the body of the report. We were due a new inspection in February 2020 but the COVID 19 Pandemic has meant that our inspection has not taken place. We have introduced a rigorous auditing system to further strengthen our governance framework, and we are looking forward to our next inspection so that we can demonstrate that we deserve a different rating.
There are five “Domains” upon which inspections are based. Our outcomes in the domains were:
- SAFE – Good
- CARING – Good
- WELL LED – Good
Please feel free to read our Full Inspection Report by clicking the link below
Individualised Services Designed To Meet Individual Needs
Pathways Support
Fratton Community Centre,
Trafalgar Place,
Phone:02392 873005
Email: enquiries@pathways-support.co.uk
To make a referral contact: –
carlypreston@pathways-support.co.uk Phone: 02392 873005 / 07415 301936